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UV Light Sanitation: Benefits in the pool and spa industry


UV Light, Pura Vida Water Sanitizer, capable of 82 gpm.
UV Light, Pura Vida Water Sanitizer, capable of 82 gpm.

For decades, water treatment in commercial and residential pools and spas have been progressing toward high usage of disinfectants to clean and clear water. However, recent studies have proven that by-products of chlorine to be dangerous to swimmers and spa goers, increasing the risk of respiratory illnesses and cancer.

The CDC, has labeled chlorine to be a toxic chemical and it can now be found on its toxic substances portal along with many other pool disinfectants. Over a short period of time, acute exposure to chlorine gas causes coughing, eye and nose irritation, skin irritation, and airway constriction. Published reports from the National Library of Medicine have linked colorectal cancers to chlorinated water, stating that it has "revealed increased risk to colorectal cancers in people exposed to chlorinated drinking water or chemical derivatives of chlorination" (PMC, Colorectal cancers and chlorinated water). WE all know when swimming laps, that some of this water can be ingested; it is an inherent possibility when swimming in general. Therefore, why are we, as an industry not exploring ways to relieve ourself from toxic chemical use in the pool industry? Maybe this is all due to the fact that pool stores have pushed these toxins down our throats for decades and humans are a force of nature. Also, corporate chemical manufactures make a killing on the sale of pool chemicals, amounting to almost 1.2 billion dollars annually (Business Research Insights, Swimming Pool Chemical Market); so, why would they want to change a business model that allows them to live lavishly?

This article will explore the ways chemical additives can be decreased in the pool and spa industry to ultimately make the industry a safer place to enjoy water therapy.

UV (Ultraviolet) light sanitation has emerged as a popular and effective method for ensuring clean and healthy water in the pool and spa industry. This technology utilizes UV rays to effectively eliminate harmful microorganisms and pathogens, reducing the need for excessive chemical treatments. By using UV light, owners can achieve clearer water and improved sanitation, leading to a safer and more enjoyable swimming environment. Additionally, UV sanitation can help lower chemical costs and minimize the environmental impact, making it an appealing choice for both residential and commercial pools and spas applications.

UV-C: UV-C light exists in a broad spectrum far past what we can see with the human eye. UV-C uses natural rays of light, breaks apart microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, algae and protozoa at the DNA level. Essentially, preventing the spread and reproduction on dangerous contaminants found in the pool and spa industry. it has been proven to effectively kill 99.9% of the bacteria in water solution and is a simple additive to most equipment pads.

Chemical Usage: With UV-C, chemical usage is reduced by as much as 90%. By sterilizing the water passing through, the dependency of chlorine and other chemical disinfectants dramatically decreases; providing a healthier and more natural swimming environment. The operation and maintenance cost for UV Light Sanitation are extremely low, needing to only replace the UV bulbs once every 10,000 hours of pool operation and ensuring the quartz tube remains clean and intact.

At chlorine free pool systems, our UV light of choice is the Pura Vida Water Sanitizer. Made from 316 stainless steel, it's UV chamber is able to reflect maximum light; Ultimately, making it the most cost effective option in terms of pool operation. Make the switch, lower your chemical usage & swim in healthier water!

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