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Bacteria & Biofilm


Where has the bacteria in your pool and spa gone? It's gone everywhere! A question into the root cause of treating Commercial & Residential pools and spas: Biofilm

Stage 3 Biofilm. Complete entrapment and equipment failure.
Stage 3 Biofilm. Complete entrapment and equipment failure.

How can anyone consider treating a commercial or residential swimming pool without managing biofilm? Managing biofilm is a critical aspect in maintaining both, commercial and residential swimming pools and spas. Biofilms are slimy layers of bacteria, algae, and other microorganisms that develop on surfaces submerged in water; for example, pool surface, tile work, plumbing, equipment, etc. If left untreated, biofilms can lead to various issues, including reduced water quality, unpleasant odors, increased chemical demand, and potential health risks for swimmers. Here are several reasons why biofilm management is essential in pool care:

Water Quality: Biofilms provide a protective environment for pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. All of which can cause waterborne diseases. These pathogens can adhere to the biofilm, survive and form colonies even with the presence of disinfectants. Resulting in multiplication and evolution throughout the infrastructure of your pool and spa. Biofilm can influence nutrient cycling in these systems as well. By creating a protective environment for pathogens. An overabundance of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus begin to accumulate, stimulating the growth of algae and depleting the oxygen supply in the water. This leads to impure water quality and makes a call to action - add chlorine, bromine, phosphate remover, etc. The main issue when adding these chemicals is that biofilm in the water has already created a protective environment for this bacteria to stay. Creating the ongoing necessity for chemical use to an uneducated user. Not to mention, the chemicals being used to treat these level spikes pose significant health risks to swimmers. Reference: National Library of Medicine - Impact of Operational Conditions on Drinking Water Biofilm Dynamics and Coliform Invasion Potential

Sanitation: Biofilms can protect harmful microorganisms from sanitizers like chlorine or bromine, making it harder to kill aggressive bacteria. Effective biofilm management means that sanitizers work more efficiently. If you are consistently adding disinfectants like chlorine, bromine and hydrogen peroxide, does this mean that the initial dose is not enough to kill this bacteria? Yes, exactly. Ongoing sanitation is necessary to neutralize bacteria in your vessel like UV light sanitation. Ultraviolet light, especially UV-C sanitation is proven and effective in sanitizing surfaces and can help kill biofilms. UV-C with wavelengths between 200-280nm penetrate the cells in biofilm and disrupt their DNA. This damage prevents cells from replicating and functioning, leading to cell death. Reference: Science Direct - Advances in Application of Ultraviolet Irradiation for Biofilm...

Equipment Efficiency: Biofilms can clog plumbing, pumps, filters, and heaters by packing tightly and clinging to the surfaces that are continuously submerged in water. This leads to improper circulation, leaving equipment inefficient and costly to operate. Water circulation is slowed and causes equipment to ineffectively operate. For example, let's reference gas heaters. A gas heater has a heat exchanger that needs annual service in order to maintain operating efficiency. On a brand new - top of the line, Lochinvar Gas Heater, the efficiency rates begin at 87%. Meaning, for every dollar you spend, you are receiving an 87 cent return. The remaining 13% is lost due to the exchange in heat that occurs when the energy is transferred through the system. To maintain 87% efficiency, the heat exchanger needs to be pulled out of the machine and properly cleaned by a professional. The reason being, creosote builds on the heat exchanger and does not allow for heat transfer to take place at a sufficient rate. Adding biofilm to the existing bacteria created on a heat exchanger only makes the unit work harder than it needs to. This can cause overheating of the heater as well as underheating of the body of water it is being used for. Resulting in a hole in your pocket book for the cost to keep the unit running. This example correlates on all components and equipment used for your pool or spa. Therefore, it is critical to come up with a solution to regularly maintain your pool and spa equipment as well as implement sanitation devices that neutralize biofilm in its vulnerable state. Reference: Lochinvar - White Paper

Surface Integrity: Biofilm has the ability to trap dirt, organic matter, and debris, which leads to the accumulation of additional contaminants. Over time, this can lead to discoloration, staining, and damage to the integrity of your pool shell; whether it be concrete, fiberglass, or vinyl liner. Many individuals will then use corrosive chemicals in order to momentarily treat these problems, but ultimately, the root of the problem is much more than they think, and they will need to continue these treatments in order to preserve the integrity of the surface. By educating yourself on what is causing these issues to occur, individuals will gain the ability to control biofilm growth, simply by following the Chlorine Free Pool Systems technology.

Human Interaction: Biofilm in pools and spas can pose several health risks to swimmers due to the various microorganisms it can harbor. Bacteria, such as legionella, can lead to pneumonia, asthma and other respiratory illnesses, especially if the water is aerosolized (evaporation) - even more so for an indoor pool atmosphere. With impure water quality, comes the need to "shock, flock , & rock", aka add chemicals. Proceed with caution when using corrosive chemicals & be mindful with what you are choosing to treat your pool and spa water. Reference: CDC - Acute Illness and Injury From Swimming Swimming Pool Disinfectants


In summary, ignoring biofilm management when treating a swimming pool can lead to significant operational issues, health risks, and a decline in overall user experience. Therefore, it is essential to incorporate biofilm management into regular pool maintenance practices. Place yourself and your visitors in pure drinking water. Learn to manage and neutralize biofilm, and stop the use of harmful chemicals when an alternative method is apparent. Swim with Chlorine Free Pool Systems and dive into the next steps to proper pool care.

Target Zero: the most advanced organic protein known to attack biofilm at the core.
Target Zero: the most advanced organic protein known to attack biofilm at the core.

Solution to biofilm management:

The solution is to break up the Biofilm and return the Bacteria to its Planktonic State. Target Zero, Zero Chlorine Demand does just that! It is a Proprietary Organic Protein Formulation designed down near a molecular level. No other product has been proven to break up your swimming pools hidden surface bacteria film and return the bacteria to its Planktonic (free-floating) state. This process makes bacteria mobile and susceptible to eradication as it passes through the Ultra Violet Sanitizer.

This organic formulation can be effective at a high level when the four pillar system is used:

  1. Circulation: 24/7 constant water movement is critical to combat both the planktonic bacteria domain and the hidden surface bacteria domain. High head pumps are typically the pump of choice to ensure a strong stream is produced to maximize the increased pressure and centrifugal capabilities.

  2. Filtration: Depending on pool and spa size, a sand filter using Glass Pak is typically the filter of choice. This will create an ionization factor that helps to eliminate bacteria and algae in the water.

  3. Target Zero: Target zero is affective against all 3 stages of biofilm; preconditioning, formation, & surface hardening. It will break up and prevent biofilm formation with proper application of the product. This product has been proven to eliminate staining, balance pH, eliminate toxic chemical use, eliminate chlorine diseases, and extend the life of pool finishes and equipment life.

  4. Ultraviolet Sanitizer: The perfect partner of Target Zero. UV-c is most effective when bacteria is floating freely. Ultraviolet light, especially UV-C sanitation is proven and effective in sanitizing surfaces and can help kill biofilms. UV-C with wavelengths between 200-280nm penetrate the cells in biofilm and disrupt their DNA. This damage prevents cells from replicating and functioning, leading to cell death.

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